MPJI, Minority Photo/Journalism Institute and MPJI web site are dedicated to advancing the careers of young journalism students of color. We are working with the (HBCU) Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
We also intend to partner with (NABJ) National Association of Black Journalist, (NAHJ) National Association of Hispanic Journalists, (AAJA) Asian-American Journalists Association, (NAJA) Native American Journalist Association and (CCNMA) California Chicano News Media Association.
We look forward to bridging the educational gap between minorities and their Caucasian counterparts so that young people of color who desire a career in Photo/Journalism or broadcasting will enter the market on the same level playing field.
About Founder Haywood Galbreath

Haywood Galbreath, is an award-winning photojournalists with 37 years experience in media and photo/journalism. In 1994 his news photo service HGSTARlNEWS made history becoming the first African-American owned news photo service in the history of the United States to cover a major court case daily inside the courtroom. Having equal access as mainstream media. That case being the O.J. Simpson double murder trial which was dubbed “The Trial of The Century”. He went on to make history several more times. His news photo’s have appeared In the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Newsweek, Time, Ebony and Jet magazine’s. He has worked with national and international news photo services such as AP, Reuters, and AFP.
Other professional highlights and awards of Haywood include
First African-American owned computerized news photo service agency. (1994)
First African-American owned news photo service to use digital cameras. (1994)
First African-American owned news photo service to have permanent credentials in a major court case and invited to participate in court case photo pool. (1994)
First African-American owned news photo service to cover the celebrated Emmy’s from inside the auditorium. (1997)
First African-American owned news photo service to cover the prestigious Breeders’ Cup horse race. (1997)
First African-American owned news photo service to be pool photo in a major court case Geronimo Pratt the Black Panther member who was wrongly accused of murder hearings.
Only African-American owned news service to have a continuous field position for the Super Bowl.
Covered special events for the last five presidents of the United States including Presidents: Barack Obama, George Bush Jr., William Clinton, George Bush Sr. and Ronald Reagan.
Served as one of President Barack Obama’s official photographers in California during the 2008 Presidential Campaign.
Only photographer to cover the O.J. Simpson trial daily from the beginning to the end inside the courtroom taking over 18,000 news photos, and was the only photographer present when the Jury went to the Bundy and Rockingham locations.
Only photographer to take a special photograph during testimony in the O.J. trial, which when viewed by the Los Angeles Times caused them to stop their presses to insert the photograph, thus providing the LA Times with two different FrontPage additions for the next run.
Only member of the African-American media, to accompany President George Bush on his historic trip to South Central Los Angeles April 2002. For the past 15 years has been an advocate for equal access to all areas of an event for the Black Press of America.
In the past 24 years his advocacy has opened the door for many black photographers and news organizations in the Los Angeles area to gain access to major news sports and entertainment events.
Covered some of the biggest news events in the nation including the visit from South African President
Nelson Mandela, Presidential inaugurations, NFL Superbowl’s, NBA Championships, Congressional events, Emmy’s, Academy Awards, major civil disturbances and earth quakes.
Recipient of the Ford Motor Company “2013 Ford Freedom Unsung Award Winner” in education
for teaching youth photojournalism, photography and broadcasting.
2013 photo exhibit “My choice of weapons: Through the Lens History and Moments Captured” the
journalism of iconic “History Making” photojournalist Haywood Galbreath.
2013 Recipient of the EOTM Award nominee for photojournalist of the year award.
1990 Recipient of the Los Angeles Black Gallery photo contest photojournalism and portrait award winner.
Haywood Galbreath is the most/history making black news photographer last half of the 20th century.
He set the standard for photojournalism in the last decade of the 20th century for African-American media.
Because of his dedication for equality for America’s Black Press, it was given more access to photograph
the biggest criminal trial and news media event in history of United States and World of the 20th century.

Ford Motor Company 2013 Ford Freedom Unsung Award winner
Recipient of Ford Motor Company 2013 Ford Freedom Unsung Award winner. In education for teaching youth photojournalism, photography and broadcasting.
1990 recipient of Los Angeles Black Gallery photo contest and photojournalism and portrait. Npi a best picture award.
Former Vice President of the Southern California Blacks Journalist Association.
Nember several professional organizations including of National Association Black Journalists, National Press Photographers Association and Screen Actors Guild.